the unknown, Monotype of the Day #406

Day 41 of Year 2

The unknown calls to an artist. It is filled with both promise and fear. While studying medieval mysticism in college, I was struck by a book called The Cloud of Unknowing. A lot of it centers around the need to let go of the language describing God, because that only puts limits on something that is limitless. I love the idea of applying this concept to the creative process. Imagine consciously unknowing, letting go of, all thoughts and judgements that create boundaries for your work. How would it be to surrender to unknown possibilities? What freedoms and new horizons would be opened by lifting all self-imposed limits? I feel the excitement of the unknown coursing through my veins, do you?

Breaking All the Rules
By Danna Faulds

There are moments when rules
are meant to be broken; when
bursting out of context is the
sole way to see with new eyes.
There are fences built only to
be torn down. The slats look
solid, but no one drove the nail
in tight. There are barricades
around the heart asking to be
breached. Sooner and later we
all run out of excuses for
staying small and safe.