Courage or Hubris: The Verdict is in

It is so unreasonable cold here! Sorry, I couldn't help myself!A month or so ago, I posted about pushing and pushing to get a piece submitted to a juried show. That day everything went wrong. See here. I asked the question then, "was it courage (to succeed in the face of difficulty) or hubris (to force my own will)?"

Well the verdict is in. It was hubris. I didn't get accepted to the show. This happens, it's not necessarily a reflection on my work. Different jurors have different tastes and visions for shows. What is a reflection on my work is the terrible quality of the photographs. I looked back at them and they are horrendous. When you jury a show you get so many entries; the first thing you do is throw out the poor quality images. It's like having a mistake on your resume. Major faux pas!

I was pushing so much, I didn't even notice the pictures were terrible. I knew they weren't perfect, but that is a huge understatement. That means I wasn't present. I wasn't listening. I left my body for my mind. Abandoned reality for my idea of what I wanted and I forced my will. Essentially I wasted two days which I could have spent connected with my family: one day to make the slides in duress & the next to recover.

Lesson: Pushing is bad, surrender is sweet. Pushing dams up the flow of the Divine, the One, into this world.