the artist is all ears, Monotype of the Day #466

Day 100 of Year 2 (Actually Day 101)

I am reading this lovely little book called Miro, I Work like a Gardener ( I was delighted to find that he was influenced by St. John of the Cross whose poetry has impacted me greatly. I loved this paragraph in particular: "What I seek, in fact, is motionless movement- something equivalent to what's called the eloquence of silence, or what St. John of the Cross meant by the words, I believe, 'mute music.'" Miro captures what I often try to convey in my work: the active nature of the inner world which only finds voice in stillness. Tonight's image of listening is such a moment of stillness, but listening is active. So much happens, so much is uncovered, in a truly motionless moment. Stillness unfolds mystery. Emptiness and silence are both active and passive. These moments where opposites coexist are sacred. I chase these sacred moments through my work.