incubation, Monotype of the Day #892

Day 160 of year 3, Total project days 892

“And I am the egg that surrounds and nurtures the seed of the God in me.”
-Carl Jung, The Red Book

Today I woke up with my head full of ideas for new projects. I got out my idea sketchbook which I haven't done for a while. It feels good.

For the first 24 hours after posting, this piece is 10% off and can be purchased here.

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here.  


raising the bar, Monotype of the Day #792

792-raising the bar.jpg

Day 60 of year 3

I'm returning to my roots. I haven't worked in black ink for at least a year. It's soothing, a mental reset. The colors of my current ink choices have me feeling a bit fed up. Because I'm only able to work with water soluble inks, my palette is considerably limited. Limits can be a good thing, they force you to stretch and think creatively but some times you just need to run free. So I'm giving color a rest for now. Overall, I'm in sort of a weird place with my work the last few weeks. It feels uncomfortable. I'm working on embracing this place of uncertainty rather than judging it. I know whatever is going on, it's necessary to my process. At the same time, my desire to spent more time on larger project is growing. Like many artists, my work has been upended by COVID. Projects that I had been working on for a traditional gallery setting prior to quarantine stopped feeling relevant. Finally though, new projects are beginning to sprout and I look forward to seeing what unfolds. I'm been reading a lot of Rilke lately, the poem below is speaking to me tonight.

I live my life in widening circles
By Rilke, Trans Barrows & Macy

I live my life in widening circles
that reach out across the world.
I may not ever complete the last one,
but I give myself to it.

I circle around God, that primordial tower.
I have been circling for thousands of years,
and I still don't know: am I a falcon,
a storm, or a great song?

From Rilke's Book of Hours

For more information on purchasing this monotype click here or see “Buy Art” in the menu above.

moonlight walking, Monotype of the Day #741


Day 10 of Year 3

More of the energy from last night processing through.

From the Zi Ye, a collection of Chinese folk songs from the 6th - 3rd century BCE.
Trans. Arthur Waley

All night I could not sleep
because of the moonlight on my bed.
I kept hearing a voice calling:
Out of Nowhere, Nothing answered "yes."

From a wonderful book, Women in Praise of the Sacred 

the path, Monotype of the Day #738

Day 7 of Year 3

Another Mary Oliver poem today.

By Mary Oliver

Another morning and I wake with thirst
for the goodness I do not have. I walk
out to the pond and all the way God has
given us such beautiful lessons. Oh Lord,
I was never a quick scholar but sulked
and hunched over my books past the hour
and the bell; grant me, in your mercy,
a little more time. Love for the earth
and love for you are having such a long
conversation in my heart. Who knows what
will finally happen or where I will be sent,
yet already I have given a great many things
away, expecting to be told to pack nothing,
except the prayers which, with this thirst,
I am slowly learning.

From Thirst 

even at night, there is Light, Monotype of the Day #730

Day 359 of Year 2 (Actually Day 364)

One year ago I made my first boat fire image. Looking back on photos of that print (sold for a while), I find myself as fascinated as ever by it's symbolism. Last year's print was calm and peaceful, this year the waters are rough, but still there is a sense of hope. This print is a message telling me to take heart. My vessel may be small and insignificant in the vast sea, but the way is lit and the fire is strong. Wishing you many blessings. xo

the artist listens deeply, Monotype of the Day #729


Day 358 of Year 2 (Actually Day 363)

Of all that God has shown me
By Mechtild of Magdenburg, Trans. Jane Hirshfiled

Of all that God has shown me
I can speak just the smallest word,
Nor more than a honey bee
Takes on his foot
From an overspilling jar.

From Women is Praise of the Sacred

Annunciation, Monotype of the Day #718

Day 348 of Year 2 (Actually Day 353)

Something a little simpler today after so many layers yesterday. It feels like a cleansing breath. For many years I almost exclusively made images of the Annunciation. Then a critique group challenged me to express the same ideas without the religious iconography. This opened a new world. I was using these symbols as a crutch and releasing them caused my work to blossom. Still, the Annunciation continues to fascinate. It contains many levels and meanings and among them, I find a lesson on how divine creativity enters the world. The gift of the creative spark is given to us to nurture. We are not its source, merely its vessel. This is a wonderfully ego-deflating notion. Understanding my small part in the creative process releases pressure. I trust my work has purpose I likely will never know. I express what is given and then go back to work. Everything else is not my concern.

windows, Monotype of the Day #697

Day 327 of Year 2 (Actually Day 332)

I haven't been spending as much time in my studio lately between the puppy and just trying to manage a lot of the things I usually have help with. Even though I'm in the studio everyday I still miss it. There are lots of ideas I'd like to explore. So, I'm just being patient and trusting that this limited working time is allowing more energy to cook below the surface. Already I feel the tendrils of new work pushing up through the soil, wanting to see the light.
Year 2, Day 327
(Total project days 697)

boat, Monotype of the Day #685

Day 315 of Year 2 (Actually Day 320)

Tonight I made a print with 6 layers hoping each time it would work but it never came together. I had to force myself to stop and make this posted print for tonight. I will revisit the layered piece tomorrow. Sometimes work needs space to unfold. Tonight's piece is at the opposite extreme, it's under layered. But, that's okay, not every night is a success and success is not exactly my goal. Though I prefer successful pieces, my goal is to stick with the process, listen, and remain present. I am so deep into my garden that it's hard to pull my energy out and work in my studio. I tend to be extremely singled minded so I am happy I am able to keep this project going in the face of my garden's siren song. Tonight's poem relates more to my garden than this print I think, but you be the judge.

O Sweet, Irrational Worship
By Thomas Merton

Wind and a bobwhite
And the afternoon sun.

By ceasing to question the sun
I have become light,

Bird and wind.

My leaves sing.

I am earth, earth

All these lighted things
Grow from my heart.
A tall, spare pine

Stands like the initial of my first
Name when I had one.

When I had a spirit,
When I was on fire
When this valley was
Made out of fresh air
You spoke my name
In naming Your silence:
O sweet, irrational worship!

I am earth, earth

My heart's love
Bursts with hay and flowers.
I am a lake of blue air
In which my own appointed place
Field and valley
Stand reflected.

I am earth, earth

Out of my grass heart
Rises the bobwhite.

Out of my nameless weeds
His foolish worship.

Selected Poems of Thomas Merton

portal, Monotype of the Day #684

Day 314 of Year 2 (Actually Day 319)

Most of my creative energy is going into my garden right now. When I get to the studio, I always have plans to make flowers and plants but this is what comes out. These prints feel like fragment of a greater image. Once my garden is under control I plan to work on larger sheets of paper to see what happens.

stigmata, Monotype of the Day #575

Day 205 of Year 2 (Actually Day 210)

Making last night's bird felt like talking with an old friend so I brought him back tonight. I found tonight's poem on the internet. It is attributed to Rumi but I can't find any citation of where it came from so that may or may not be true. However, it's a beautiful thought so I share it here tonight below the title.

Attributed to Rumi
I said: what about my eyes?
He said: Keep them on the road.

I said: What about my passion?
He said: Keep it burning.

I said: What about my heart?
He said: Tell me what you hold inside it?

I said: Pain and sorrow.
He said: Stay with it. The wound is the place where the Light enters you.