Annunciation, Monotype of the Day #718

Day 348 of Year 2 (Actually Day 353)

Something a little simpler today after so many layers yesterday. It feels like a cleansing breath. For many years I almost exclusively made images of the Annunciation. Then a critique group challenged me to express the same ideas without the religious iconography. This opened a new world. I was using these symbols as a crutch and releasing them caused my work to blossom. Still, the Annunciation continues to fascinate. It contains many levels and meanings and among them, I find a lesson on how divine creativity enters the world. The gift of the creative spark is given to us to nurture. We are not its source, merely its vessel. This is a wonderfully ego-deflating notion. Understanding my small part in the creative process releases pressure. I trust my work has purpose I likely will never know. I express what is given and then go back to work. Everything else is not my concern.