Studio Tour Recap

Some pictures from the Studio Tour SOMA this weekend. A huge thank you to everyone who came out! As usual, I didn’t get a picture of everyone but your presence was valued and appreciated none the less! Big shout to all the studio tour volunteers this year. I really thought the tour would die after Sandy Martiny’s position was eliminated but Jennifer Crohn preformed a miracle and made it happen! Kudos Jennifer, you rock! Thanks also to Susanna Baker and Studio Montclair for sponsoring us, Susan Darwin for amazing artist relations and social media (with Lisa Lackey), Leslie Goldman for among other things a gorgeous PDF artist listing, Wendy Bellermann for foot work in handing out posters and flyers, and Greg Leshé for the amazing projector project! Also thanks to Sandy Martiny who continued to advise us during the transition. My deep thanks to you all! XO