protected, Monotype of the Day #522

Day 156 of Year 2 (Actually Day 157)

Experimenting again with these more muted tones. It's a fun change and feels really different while working. And, in the spirit of change, I am trying out a new time for posting my daily print: the early evening rather than between midnight and 2AM. I must get more sleep! Posting late only keeps me up. Let me know how this works for you. I may try a few different times until I find the right rhythm. Habit is important, but it's also important to mix it up every once in a while. It shifts the energy and creates new possibilities. Habit makes us feels safe and secure, but rigid things break. So I will keep my daily monotype practice but be flexible with my midnight habit.
NOTE: For those of you who are not night owls, you probably see my daily print the next day so this will seem like two prints in one day! Tomorrow look for my daily print in the evening, not the morning. Again, let me know how this change is for you because I may readjust. xoxo (Poem below the title)- the artist feels

Three Things to Remember
By Mary Oliver

As long as you're dancing, you can break the rules.

Sometimes breaking the rules is just
extending the rules.

Sometimes there are no rules. -

From Devotions .