rise, Monotype of the Day #774


Day 42 of year 3

Last night I was unsatisfied by the process of making my print. Usually that happens when I'm in my head, when my mind and body are so disconnected that I can't access inner messages. I receive inner guidance as a flash, a combination of a brief image and a physical feeling that is like a drop of ink water, it expands as I physically move and work. Allowing it to naturally and fully unfold requires complete awareness of the body to sense the gentle nudges of guidance. So today I meditated for the first time in ages to get reconnected and almost immediately new images started dropping in. What a relief! Meditation is so essential to my art practice, it's amazing how often I forget that though! This print reminds me of the power available in the present moment.. Today's poem (below the title) is a haiku by the wonderful writer Cheryl Welch from her excellent new book Feather. You can order it here: https://www.welchdesignpublishing.com/

anything at all
can happen at anytime,
live without regret

By Cheryl Welch

From Feather https://www.welchdesignpublishing.com/

the lead, Monotype of the Day #737

Day 6 of Year 3

I feel such.a sense of relief that my two year anniversary is behind me. I didn't realize how much pressure I was putting on myself to define my situation. The same thing happened on my one year anniversary. I built it up in my head so much that once I made it, I sort of fell apart. The first week after was a real struggle in the studio. but I kept at it and eventually that cleared. There are natural ebbs and flows to working and then there are the roadblocks we create in our minds. Meditation, which has unfortunately fallen off my radar lately, helps. Another thing that helps is knowing that you're in your own way and waiting it out, trusting that the creative flow will necessarily wash the mental dross away. More than anything, making art is about trust, trusting the inner messages from The Artist to the artist, trusting your materials, trusting the world with your work, trusting yourself to be authentic and brave, trusting the importance and purpose of working though we may never know why.

messaging, Monotype of the Day #627

Day 257 of Year 2 (Actually Day 262)

I thought I'd show a few pictures for scale and process. Tomorrow I'll take a picture with ink on the plate before printing. Right now, the urge to simplify is strong so I find myself using just one color. I'm also back to meditating twice a day and it's like spring cleaning my brain! :) My show in February already seems like a millions years ago but really I'm just getting my grove back. With everything going on in the world, I'm grateful for any grove at all. I'm in the studio each day because I love it, but also because I need the healing and generative energy of the creative act. The centering moment of clarity that comes with making art balances and me. And studio teaches that though it's not easy, it's okay not to know what's coming. We are here now and this present moment is sacred and has the power to transform. My love and prayers to all those sick or suffering.

self portrait with chaos, Monotype of the Day #610

Day 240 of Year 2 (Actually Day 245)

Every few months a self portrait comes up. Sometimes they are a way of learning something new about myself, sometimes they are to relieve feelings. Tonight's piece is the latter. Although I am generally feeling calm, it's hard not to pickup on all the anxiety in the air. It's important to acknowledge and embrace whatever it is we are feeling so it doesn't overpower us. This will pass, this will pass.

Jane Hirshfield just released a stunning new book of poetry called Ledger (https://amzn.to/33nvmXF). I highly recommend it. Tonight's poem, from Ledger, is excerpted from the poem Nine Pebbles. It is a work of deep calm and stillness. It helped me to touch this energy today.

This work is paired with "Retrospective" by Jane Hirshfield

You can find it here: https://briefpoems.wordpress.com/2023/03/06/pebbles-brief-poems-by-jane-hirshfield/

from Ledger https://amzn.to/33nvmXF

the keyhole visits the beach, Monotype of the Day #595

Day 225 of Year 2 (Actually Day 230)

Tonight I made muted seascape after seascape. In the final one, a keyhole appeared. I grew up in Los Angeles and spent a lot of time staring off at the ocean. It was a meditative, healing experience. I guess I need that calming regenerative energy right now because the image I planned to make disappeared the minute I stood in front of my plate! My show has been a wonderful experience. I have been spiritually filled and nourished but physically depleted. I'm fine with that. When you live with illness, you learn there is a fine line between conserving your energy and strength and unnecessarily losing opportunities. It's really tricky because it's next to impossible to be certain how much energy you will have on a given day. You don't want to push yourself so far you get into a mess, but you also don't want to be so timid you miss things you might actually be able to do. It's a constant quandary. Some days 5 minutes in the studio is overdoing and some days two hours or more is overdoing. The key is accepting where you are and what is possible at the present moment. I just take it one day at a time and know that even 5 minutes a day adds up to something real over time. One foot in front of the other and eventually you arrive. I'm feeling incredibly grateful for my show, all the amazing visitors, the outpouring of love, & my ability to continuing working. xoxo

Even if You Have Trudged
By Dorothy Walters

It is never too late.
Even if you have trudged
through snow and ice
for a thousand miles
and still have not arrived.
Even if the map is lost
and the compass broken.
When the eagle who is
supposed to guide you
goes off on a tangent
of its own
and you know you are,
once again, deserted
do not fall into
the pit of despair.
It will return,
brighter than ever.
There will be feather tokens
falling down.

Nothing is irredeemable.
Nothing is lost forever.
Be guided by the stars.
Let the moonlight
direct your steps.

There will be a path
which will open
in the forest.
The treasure which is yours
is waiting.
Claim it.

From her blog: http://kundalinisplendor.blogsp

safe from the storm, Monotype of the Day #580

Day 210 of Year 2 (Actually Day 215)

It's been an intense and wonderful month with all of the activity around my show. I find it helpful to pause every once in a while to integrate, to take a breath and let it all in. So today I paused and read poet Lynn Ungar. So many beautiful poems in her book Bread and Other Miracles it was hard to choose one for tonight! See my choice below the title.
My show is up for a few more weeks. There is a closing party on 2/29 and I hope you can make it! xo

By Lynn Ungar
From Bread and Other Miracles https://amzn.to/2tYx0Ss
The universe does not
revolve around you.
The stars and planets spinning
through the ballroom of space
dance with one another
quite outside of your small life.
You cannot hold gravity
or seasons; even air and water
inevitably evade your grasp.
Why not, then, let go?

You could move through time
like a shark through water,
neither restless nor ceasing,
absorbed in and absorbing
the native element.
Why pretend you can do otherwise?
The world comes in at every pore,
mixes in your blood before
breath releases you into
the world again. Did you think
the fragile boundary of your skin
could build a wall?

Listen. Every molecule is humming
its particular pitch.
Of course you are a symphony.
Whose tune do you think
the planets are singing
as they dance?

space, Monotype of the Day #541

Day 171 of Year 2 (Actually Day 176)

I've been struggling a bit with the monotypes for the past week or so. So much of my energy has been directed to prep for my show that when I get into the print studio, it's been hard to focus. My mind has felt cluttered. I asked for an image tonight to help me clear my brain out and open back up to the creative flow. This simple image came and looking at it, I immediately feel more open and grounded. Deep breath, pause. I will return to work tomorrow refreshed. Today's poem (below the title) is another from Wendell Berry. I just got a new book of his work so I can't help myself! xo

Sabbaths 1992 II
by Wendell Berry

Lift up the dead leaves
and see, waiting
in the dark, in cold March,

the purplish stems, leaves,
and buds of twinleaf,
infinitely tender, infinitely

expectant. They straighten
slowly into the light after
the nights of frost. At last

the venture is made: the brief
blossoms open, the petals fall,
the hinged capsules of seed

grow big. The possibility
of this return returns
again to the seed, the dark,

the long wait, and the light again.

From A Timbered Choir https://amzn.to/35nN4d8

trust, Monotype of the Day #494

Day 128 of Year 2 (Actually Day 129)

I've felt a little blocked in the monotype studio lately. Mainly because I'm focused on prepping for my solo show in January. I have a limited amount of energy each day and have to be judicious about how I use it. I thought this was my major constraint, but today I realized lack of mental space is even more of an issue. The to do lists, deadlines, and anxieties were overfilling my brain. This last week, I began meditating again to reclaim and empty my mind. It feels great to have the channel open once more. Today while meditating, this image dropped in. With all the tasks to finish before my show, there is a bit of vertigo, a feeling of falling. This image is a gift from The Artist to the artist (me), to sooth and comfort. Trust the process and all will be well.

bubbles, Monotype of the Day #471

Day 105 of Year 2 (Actually Day 106)

I won't lie, I can't stand this print. I know talk a lot about not judging my work and 99% of the time, I just let it flow. But tonight is that 1%. I couldn't get in the zone. My yearly studio tour is coming up next weekend and I've been cleaning and organizing. Cleaning is a different head space. I wanted to put red down first, but fought my instinct and went with purple. Things deteriorated from there. It's ok though. There is an ebb and flow to everything. If today was off, tomorrow promises better things. I am reminded by tonight's studio session the deep and profound importance of listening and surrendering to the creative flow. That was important so even on an off night, something was gained.

sail away, Monotype of the Day #468

Day 102 of Year 2 (Actually Day 103)

The medieval idea that we are mirrors reflecting divine light into the world is beautiful. In this metaphor, our mirrors have grown dirty with human limits, ego and jealousies, self-pity, the list is long. Our spiritual growth polishes this dust away so more light can be reflected.
It can be hard to keep an even keel during the events that force us to grow. I've found that with time and experience it becomes easier. This year has been has been at once extremely challenging and extremely wonderful. I tried my hardest to maintain the internal space described in tonight's print. To accept and trust my path even when difficult rather than be irritated or embattled. It was not always possible but the more I let go of my irritation, the easier my challenges were to navigate. This internal space of calm allows my life to move forward with times of happiness even in the face of challenges. And so the polishing continues and hopefully the mirror shines brighter. "If you are irritated by every rub,
how will your mirror be polished?"
-Rumi, Trans. Helminski
From The Rumi Collection https://amzn.to/2JhyYBz

the rescue, Monotype of the Day #463

Day 97 of Year 2 (Actually Day 98)

The physical nature of art materials have a large impact on the way a piece unfolds. My current black ink of choice doesn't allow the rich darks and beautiful line quality of my old ink. Because of this, I feel a bit disappointed in the results. Tomorrow, I hope to go back to this image and find that quality I am seeking. But, whether or not the piece is a success visually, it is definitely a success in shifting my internal landscape. It was born out of sitting and breathing with some fear and anxiety that were plaguing me today. The feelings have passed. I go to sleep with a clear mind and heart.

This work is paired with by "Building and Earthquake" by Jane Hirshfield

Read it here: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.7560/723436-065/pdf

from Come Thief https://amzn.to/2Bvvya1

The Way, Monotype of the Day #451

Day 85 of Year 2 (Actually Day 86)

I had a lot of fun making this monotype tonight. I'm not usually aware of having fun while working, it's more of a meditative state. But I think playfulness is important. It's another way to set the ego aside and let what comes come. The second image is a picture of the plate just before I printed this image in the comments. I thought you might find it interesting. xo

What Harbinger?
By Denise Levertov

Glitter of grey
oarstrokes over
the waveless, dark,
secretive water.
A boat is moving
toward me
slowly, but who
is rowing and what
it brings I can’t
yet see.

From Sands of the Well https://amzn.to/31UnwTI

down below, Monotype of the Day #377

Day 12 of Year 2

I ran out of cream paper and am forced to temporarily work with this greyish tan, which I love for black and white but which doesn't give full credit to color. I've really been very busy lately and although I've pulled back, the effects are still being felt- lack of inventory upkeep and I also took a 4 hour nap today.😀 I wonder about busyness. It's more a state of mind than it is a long list of todos. If your mind is calm and clear a long list of todos doesn't get you buzzing and stressing. Part of making art is the practice of sitting through discomfort and a buzzing mind to get to the stillness where creativity lives. I see how I create busyness to escape that place even as my life is built around finding it.

The Runaway
By Dorothy Walters

The Place you are right now
God circled on a map for you. - Hafiz

The poet tells you
god has put a circle around you on a map
to locate you in sacred space.
Then why do you keep tunneling
carving labyrinths for your escape?

the rod and blob, Monotype of the Day #376


Day 11 of Year 2

A rod and bob is the swinging pendulum on a fancy clock. This is a new symbol that has been popping up in my work lately. It will take time to unfold its meaning but I have been thinking a lot about time. In the studio there is almost an absence of time. No matter how long I'm in there working, it only feels like a few minutes. I'm regularly surprised at how late it is when I emerge. This is because the artist touches a timeless place while working, the deep well of universal creativity. This week I've been meditating a lot, trying to touch that timelessness and bring it out of the studio and more fully into my life. Making art is a kind of meditation and In the studio there is a spaciousness that allows the pressure of time to disappear. It would be an amazing thing to experience this is daily life. I'm not there yet as this print reflects, but meditation is helping.

Eternity is time
by Angelus Silesius, Trans. Paul Carus

Eternity is time
And time eternity,
Except when we ourselves.
Would make them different be.