the keyhole visits the beach, Monotype of the Day #595

Day 225 of Year 2 (Actually Day 230)

Tonight I made muted seascape after seascape. In the final one, a keyhole appeared. I grew up in Los Angeles and spent a lot of time staring off at the ocean. It was a meditative, healing experience. I guess I need that calming regenerative energy right now because the image I planned to make disappeared the minute I stood in front of my plate! My show has been a wonderful experience. I have been spiritually filled and nourished but physically depleted. I'm fine with that. When you live with illness, you learn there is a fine line between conserving your energy and strength and unnecessarily losing opportunities. It's really tricky because it's next to impossible to be certain how much energy you will have on a given day. You don't want to push yourself so far you get into a mess, but you also don't want to be so timid you miss things you might actually be able to do. It's a constant quandary. Some days 5 minutes in the studio is overdoing and some days two hours or more is overdoing. The key is accepting where you are and what is possible at the present moment. I just take it one day at a time and know that even 5 minutes a day adds up to something real over time. One foot in front of the other and eventually you arrive. I'm feeling incredibly grateful for my show, all the amazing visitors, the outpouring of love, & my ability to continuing working. xoxo

Even if You Have Trudged
By Dorothy Walters

It is never too late.
Even if you have trudged
through snow and ice
for a thousand miles
and still have not arrived.
Even if the map is lost
and the compass broken.
When the eagle who is
supposed to guide you
goes off on a tangent
of its own
and you know you are,
once again, deserted
do not fall into
the pit of despair.
It will return,
brighter than ever.
There will be feather tokens
falling down.

Nothing is irredeemable.
Nothing is lost forever.
Be guided by the stars.
Let the moonlight
direct your steps.

There will be a path
which will open
in the forest.
The treasure which is yours
is waiting.
Claim it.

From her blog: http://kundalinisplendor.blogsp