the artist is all hands, Monotype of the Day #288


The Red Wheelbarrow
William Carlos Williams

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

Tools make all the difference in my life. Though my hands, my greatest tools, are locked up in knots I never feel that as a limitation when I work. Instead, I feel the push to think outside of the box and find new solutions and tools to accomplish my vision. There is a strange kind of freedom in being forced to abandon the expected and ordinary way of doing things. It frees your mind. It also teaches humility because sometimes tools aren't enough and I have to ask for help. It’s difficult for me accept this sometimes. My art practice is about allowing work to flow through me and, honestly, understanding that I can't do everything on my own softens me. It helps the creative flow come through. How we see things is a choice and so much depends on that choice.