the artist has heart, Monotype of the Day #347

I struggled with tonight’s print. It’s been a very busy few days and I found it physically arduous to make. I wonder if you can see that in the print? The ebb and flow, easy and struggle, are part of the process. It’s important that seems impossible to fulfill because it inspires you to keep going during the ebbs. I think of this poem by Rumi which expresses such a gigantic wish for his work:

My Work is
By Rumi, trans. Barks and Moyne

My work is to carry this love
As comfort for those who long for you,
To go everywhere you’ve walked
And gaze at the pressed-down dirt.

How that desire must have propelled him forward and cushioned his downs, and, in the end he did accomplish his goal. The take away is dream big and let that dream carry you like a river safely through the rapids. The artist must keep working and and trust in the value of their own process.