the artist at rest, Monotype of the Day #296

To say I have moved a lot would be an understatement. Every 1-2 years since I was 18 until about 5 years ago when we finally settled on this house. Now, my husband refuses to move (and can you blame him? 😊 ). I have the itch to go again but I'm breathing through it because I want to spend my packing time as studio time instead. But through all my moves, I've lost some precious books including the one by the poet below. Thank God for the internet. I can still find some of my favorites, though not all. My next sale will go to replacing some of my collection. Anyway, tonight's monotype brought this poem to mind.

Love came and emptied me of self
by Abu-Said Abil-Kheir, Persia 10th century

Love came and emptied me of self,
every vein and every pore,
made into a container to be filled by the Beloved.
Of me, only a name is left,
the rest is You my Friend, my Beloved.
