alone?, Monotype of the Day #663

Day 293 of Year 2 (Actually Day 298)

The top layer on this image printed so lightly that the symbols are just faint ghosts. In person the effect is striking. I hope you can see some of them in the photo. The boat has become a powerful symbol for self in my work. It was initially inspired by the Dogen poem below. This poem which I've posted before has had a profound effect on me and my work. For those of you who are writers, take this to heart: even very few words can bring profound change. Your work matters. It's hard to articulate more about this print. I will let the image speak for itself tonight.

By Dogen, Trans Stephen Mitchell

Midnight. No waves,
no wind, the empty boat
is flooded with moonlight.

From The Enlightened Heart , a terrific collection of sacred poetry

the boat at midnight, Monotype of the Day #516

Day 150 of Year 2 (Actually Day 151)

Today in conversation with the wonderful @kwaggmac, owner and director of @clerestoryfineart, I finally realized one of the meanings of the boat image. It comes from this poem that I have admired for longer than I can remember by Dogen, a 13th century Japanese Zen monk.

No waves,
no wind, the empty boat
is flooded with moonlight.

by Dogen, Trans. Stephen Mitchell
From The Enlightened Heart: An Anthology of Sacred Poetry
The empty boat is a symbol of the Self emptied of self so it can bear Light into the world. When this image comes through, it's bringing that energy to remind me, let go, let go, empty yourself so creativity can flow through.

the drifting boat, Monotype of the Day #432

Day 66 of Year 2 (Actually Day 67)

Something simple tonight. I had to dig deep for last night's piece. Today everything flowed effortlessly mainly because my ink was in charge. I just love sticky old ink, it creates the most beautiful textures. More evidence that cleaning is the enemy of art. Not only does it waste precious studio time, but if I had cleaned up my ink from yesterday, I would have missed out on so much. Old ink has a louder, more forceful voice. It doesn't pussyfoot around with its plans, it lets you know. Interestingly, such a forceful voice wanted to make this image of a drifting boat, the perfect symbol of surrender.

I've posted this poem before, but it is perfect for this print and one of my favorites so it bears repeating 🙂

No waves,
no wind, the empty boat
is flooded with moonlight.

by Dogen
Trans. Steohen Mitchell
From The Enlightened Heart: An Anthology of Sacred Poetry

the artist is watching, Monotype of the Day #368

Day 3 of Year 2

I definitely felt more in the flow today and working larger, on a full sheet of paper 22x30", is fun. I'm feeling landscapes are still in my future, but returning to self-portrait is always helpful in recentering. So much of art is staying through discomfort: the discomfort of pieces not "turning out", the fights and arguments with misbehaving materials, the emotions that come up in the silence of working. Staying through allows all of this to dissipate and something new to emerge. After a few days of struggle, I'm feeling excited again to see what comes.

Learn the backward step
that turns your light inward
to illuminate your self.
Body and mind of themselves
will drop away,
and your original face will be manifest.
by Dogen


by the light of the moon, Monotype of the Day #359

Interesting, I'm still learning so much with this new ink. This was a blue black ink that I mixed and the paper turned it green. That's the adventure of making art. You never know what will happen. Happy surprises abound!

Today I had a really lovely studio visit, a nice couple. They purchased one of my favorite prints (I'll post the picture tomorrow) and when they left I noticed I had a huge thick swatch of dark ink on my upper lip. Basically I had given myself a Hitler mustache. Oy, is really the only word that adequately describes the feeling! Of course I was mortified. But then I reflected on the kindness they showed me in not mentioning it. Instead of beating myself up, I took their example and practiced kindness toward myself. The mortification (mostly 😊) turned to laughter. So many times in life we go to self-blame and miss the opportunity for kindness. Kindness really changes everything. Could I have made the same print tonight, if I was still giving myself a hard time? I doubt it.

Poem by Dogen

Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water.
The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken.
Although its light is wide and great,
The moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide.
The whole moon and the entire sky
Are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.

meditation: the embrace, Monotype of the Day #307


I had an intense experience today in meditation but it's too late for commentary, my body is demanding sleep! I will let this image speak for itself and, instead, leave you with another amazing Dogen poem.

The moon reflected
In a mind clear
As still water:
Even the waves, breaking,
Are reflecting its light.

by Dogen (13th century, zen monk)


meditation I, Monotype of the Day #306

I recently realized that in order to get where I want to go artistically, I need to up my meditation game. My art practice is about letting the flow of creativity stream through. I need to make more internal space for that to happen. It's a happy goal, and already bearing fruit in my everyday life. I'm shrinking my head and growing my heart. Art and meditation have so much is common. Like art, meditation requires bravery to confront the feelings that come up while practicing. I've always been convinced this is the reason so many artists have been heavy drinkers and generally debauched. It's is because the meditative quality of making art creates space for those painful past moments we run from in daily life to surface. Art helps process and heal these moments just as meditation can, but only if they are held close and felt. If an artist has the courage to do this, making the work will be transformative for them. The energy of the artist's transformation and healing will be captured in the art and passed on to viewers.

My favorite poem about the potential of the meditative state by Zen monk Dogen from the 13th century:

No waves,
no wind, the empty boat
is flooded with moonlight.

by Dogen


On Perfection and Judgment

Perfection is not the elimination of imperfection. That’s our Western either/or, need-to-control thinking. Perfection, rather, is the ability to incorporate imperfection! There’s no other way to live: You either incorporate imperfection, or you fall into denial. That’s how the Spirit moves in or out of our lives. - Richard Rohr, Radical Grace: Daily Meditations, p. 228, day 237

Imagine how many more people would make art as a regular practice if they felt this way? How many people have judged themselves into abandoning a loved occupation?This happens because art often becomes about the finished product, not the process. This is process:

Midnight, no waves,
no wind, the empty boat
is flooded with moonlight

Watch this funny video: