at peace, Monotype of the Day #898

Day 166 of year 3 (Total project days 898)

Was it Light?
By Theodore Roethke

Was it light?
Was it light within?
Was it light within light?
Stillness becoming alive,
Yet still?

A lively understandable spirit
Once entertained you.
It will come again.
Be still.

From Poetry for the Spirit

For the first 24 hours after posting, this piece is 10% off and can be purchased here.

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here.  

at peace, Monotype, 12 x 14” Sybil Archibald

at peace, Monotype, 12 x 14”
Sybil Archibald

the language of dawn, Monotype of the Day #896

Day 164 of year 3 (Total project days 896)

Wishing everyone a beautiful day whether it's a Merry Christmas or a lazy day off. May you feel loved and content. xo

For the first 24 hours after posting, this piece is 10% off and can be purchased here.

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here.  

the language of dawn, monotype, 12 x 14” Sybil Archibald

the language of dawn, monotype, 12 x 14”
Sybil Archibald

egg head, Monotype of the Day #894

Day 162 of year 3 (Day 894)

7 days of this project to go. Yesterday I got in my head a bit so today I tried to stop grasping an allow more space. I'm just going to breathe and let this image be.

For the first 24 hours after posting, this piece is 10% off and can be purchased here.

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here.  

egg head, Monotype, 12 x 14” Sybil Archibald

egg head, Monotype, 12 x 14”
Sybil Archibald

incubation, Monotype of the Day #892

Day 160 of year 3, Total project days 892

“And I am the egg that surrounds and nurtures the seed of the God in me.”
-Carl Jung, The Red Book

Today I woke up with my head full of ideas for new projects. I got out my idea sketchbook which I haven't done for a while. It feels good.

For the first 24 hours after posting, this piece is 10% off and can be purchased here.

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here.  


listen!, Monotype of the Day #889

Day 157 of year 3

It's time, The Monotype of the Day Project is coming to an end in this form. Today is day 889, day 900 will be my last day. I will continue to post a monotype once a week (and more if I feel moved). Here on Patreon I will continue to post pictures of what I'm working on in the studio most days along with commentary as seems appropriate and updates on the progress of my book.

When I woke up this morning, it was clear something within me had shifted. I have been desirous of change in my work for a while now, I want to go deeper, to reflect more light, to touch truths unknown. It finally came to me that the root of my block is something I've struggled with for most of my life, sleep. This is a critical issue for both my health and my art. Currently a large portion of my day is taken up with health related activities designed to keep me going. I describe myself as a rickety car that needs plenty of tinkering to keep on the road! That's the day, but then at night I get an average of 3-5 hours of sleep which undermines everything I've done all day. Strange to think I never realized this, but the mind can justify a lot. So for the next 3 months after day 900, my focus will be sleep. Without the daily deadline of my monotype project, I will be able to work in the studio and stop when I need to. I am certain sleep will fundamentally transform my artistic practice. Art and the physical world are inextricably linked. By not sleeping, I resist the natural cycle of life. Resistance blocks the creative flow. Without sleep, I am too tired to be fully present and to listen deeply for direction from The Artist. My work will transform with sleep. It will bloom just as a garden blooms after the dark night of winter. I am excited to discover what will happen! I will keep you up to date about the effects of my new plan on my studio practice. I may take some work to transform a life time of bad habits. Thank you for all your support these last 889 days! Lots of love, Sybil

listen!, monotype, 12 x 14” Sybil Arcibald

listen!, monotype, 12 x 14”
Sybil Arcibald

For the first 24 hours after posting, this piece is 10% off and can be purchased here.

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here

filling station 2, Monotype of the Day #888

Day 156 of year 3

888 days, such a lovely round number, curvy and full. I believe in China 8 is considered a very lucky number. I feel lucky to have gotten this far in my monotype of the day project.

Tonight's print is the ghost ink from last night on top of the ghost ink from a few days ago with a few new additions. For some reason, this print makes me happy. Wishing you everything good. xo

For the first 24 hours after posting, this piece is 10% off and can be purchased here.

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here.  

filling station 2, monotype of the day, 12 x 14” Sybil Archibald

filling station 2, monotype of the day, 12 x 14”
Sybil Archibald

filling station, Monotype of the Day #887

Day 155 of year 3

“The main thing is to be moved, to love, to hope, to tremble, to live.” – Auguste Rodin, sculptor

The studio is filled with life. Creative, generative, healing energy pulses through filling the artist. The more the artist embraces life and opens to what is happening in the present moment, the more they are filled until the creative flow brims over and spills into the world. The hardest part of the artist's job is to be there, to show up for every up and down, and hold the space for the creative process. Then, the flow will carry them forward and rest with take care of itself.

For the first 24 hours after posting, this piece is 10% off and can be purchased here.

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here.  

filling station, Monotype, 12 x 14” Sybil Archibald

filling station, Monotype, 12 x 14”
Sybil Archibald

the fire within, Monotype of the Day #885

Day 153 of year 3

Quatrain 359
By Rumi, Trans. Moyne & Barks

Do you think I know what I am doing?
That for one breath or half-breath I belong to myself?
As much as a pen knows what it's writing,
or a ball can guess where it's going next.

From Open Secret

the fire within, monotype, 12 x 14” Sybil Archibald

the fire within, monotype, 12 x 14”
Sybil Archibald

For the first 24 hours after posting, this piece is 10% off and can be purchased here.

For more information about the process of monotype and the Monotype of the Day project click here.